Alessio Biancalana Grab The Blaster di Alessio Biancalana

Vim creep

“Vim Creep” è un post che fa decisamente ridere, ironico al punto giusto e nonostante questo abbastanza crudo da mettere in luce alcune esperienze decisamente trascendentali successe a chiunque abbia mai usato seriamente Vim, o guardato qualcun altro usare seriamente Vim.

Staying late one night to finish an assignment that was due at midnight, you happened to catch a glimpse over one of the quiet uber-programmer’s shoulders. Your eyes twinkled from the glow of rows upon rows of monitors in the darkened computer lab as you witnessed in awe the impossible patterns of code and text manipulation that flashed across the screen.

“How did you do that?” you asked, incredulous.

The pithy, monosyllabic answer uttered in response changed your life forever: “Vim.”

Usate Vim. Non tornerete più indietro.

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