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How bad is the Windows command line really?

Alex Clemmer su Batch, Bash, e quanto effettivamente la CLI di Windows non sia esattamente la ragazza più carina della scuola:

Sure, Bash could be worse. But substantially worse? Bash had one value proposition: it was just good enough. It is difficult to imagine that it would have flourished as it has, if that had that not been true.

E ancora:

But the truth is what it is. Batch is substantially worse.

Diciamo che, nonostante tutto, Bash ha le sue pecche ma è una buona soluzione a un problema vecchio di anni. Diversamente, Batch risulta frustrante, a maggior ragione per le persone che sono abituate a lavorare in un certo modo (leggi: gli utenti Unix).

So, here we are. This is the reality of the Windows world. Yesterday, your choice was Batch or PowerShell. Today your choice is Batch, PowerShell, or Bash. (Well, it’s not really as simple as that, but you get my point.)

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