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Backup in Linux semplici e veloci con attic

Steve Kemp su Debian Administration:

Of the recent tools, obnam, bup, etc, attic is the one that I’m using myself. It supports backing up content both locally, or over an SSH connection to a remote system. There is also support for using encryption so that the remote backups don’t leak your passwords, etc.

Attic utilizza un concetto di repository che mi attira parecchio:

Attic uses a notion of a “repository” which is used to host a collection of backups. While this repository could be local it might also be stored on a remote host (which is reachable via ssh, providing the remote host also has attic installed).

Sembra fichissimo. Credo che lo utilizzerò d’ora in poi come sistema di backup per le mie macchine. Essendo da riga di comando, peraltro, è anche facilmente scriptabile. Altro che Time Machine :-)

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